ELISA Antibody Diluent Stabilizer
ELISA Antibody Diluent Stabilizer is a unique formulated stabilizer for making ready to use standards/Controls of stabilized serum or monoclonal Antibodies or Ags. Antigens (HBS Ag), Glycoproteins and cancer Antigens (PSA, CEA, Alpha-FP), Peptides (HCG, LH, FSH, TSH), Infection disease (TORCH panel, H-Pylori, Rubella), T3, T4, T-Up, and some Drugs for Immunoassay tests including ELISA, RIA, Blotting has been successfully tested by this stabilizer/reaction matrix. Also due to its excellent recovery and linearity compared to human serum, General protein stabilizer (DPGPS) can be used as reaction buffer/assay buffer/diluent in mentioned tests.
By adding analyte to ELISA Antibody Diluent Stabilizer, you can make ready to use Standards and Controls to your Immunoassay kit. However, you can make 5-25x concentrated analyte to make further dilution on other stabilizers or assay buffers. Also, the recovery and linearity of tests are comparable with free analyte human serum.
Recommended use:
we recommend to use ELISA Antibody Diluent Stabilizer mostly for making ready to use standards/ Controls for competitive assays (T3, T4, T-Up, Drugs) as well as for making ready to use peptides standards and controls (HBSAg, HCG, FSH, CEA, …) and Immunoglobulin controls/standards (IgG, IgM, IgE).it is recommended for use as assay buffer/sample diluent and reaction buffer in Immunoassay tests. For using product, equilibrate its temperature to the RT and the try to dilute your analyte. Also, aseptic samplers, glass wares and equipment is essential. Keep opened product in proper condition in RT (if you will use in a month) or 2-8° C if you need more time to finish product. You can mix several same LOTs together for making bigger product LOTs.
ELISA Antibody Diluent Stabilizer is for research and/or further manufacture use only and is not for human therapeutic or consume purpose. Sales without any seller’s warranty or representation. No claims for replacement or refund of purchase shall be allowed. All claims must be made within 30 fallowing date of delivery