ELISA Plate Blocking Reagent / Buffer

 78.00 198.00

ELISA Plate Blocking Reagent/ Buffer

ELISA Plate Blocking Reagent/ Buffer is a multi-Purpose buffered solution for Blocking free binding sites on ELISA  Plates. Also, it is proper for Blocking solution for RIA Coated Tubes, Coated Microspheres, and Glass beads.

Diagnopal ELISA Plate Blocker-Stabilizer preserves coated and surface attached materials (Proteins, Peptides, Ags, Abs) from microbial attack and stabilizes them for long time storage, (12-36 months at refrigerator).

Diagnopal ELISA Plate Blocker-Stabilizer allows customers to simply dry their coated plates in RT without losing coated ligands biological activities.ELISA Blocking reagent also decreases Background signal in ElISA assay & tasts, increases signal to noise ratio and decreases numbers of washing steps in Immunoassay tests as like our other Coating Blocking Buffers.

Recommended use:

Diagnopal plate stabilizer- blocker is for blocking and stabilizing of coated immunoassay surfaces for ELISA, Elispot, RIA, CLIA, Immunoblot and microarray tests.Bring product temperature to your RT and act according to your own standard stabilization protocol but:

For ELISA or RIA, CLIA add desire volume of plate Stabilizer/Blocker to your coated plate/tube and left it for 10 min to 1 hour, then discard, tap to absorbent to exit droplets and without washing, put upside down to dry for 18-24 hours in RT with controlled 10-15 % humidity and use your blocked and stabilized coated Plate/ tube. 2-4 hours drying chamber with sealed desiccated container, 4 hours in Vacuum oven (30-40 Centigrade) provide fast dried products.

For microarray and Microsphere try your own standard SOPs. For achieving long shelf life, keep your dried coatings in sealed and desiccated packs inside Refrigerator


This product is for research and/or further manufacture use only and is not for human therapeutic or consume purpose. Sales without any seller’s warranty or representation. No claims for replacement or refund of purchase shall be allowed. All claims must be made within 30 fallowing date of delivery.


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ELISA Plate Blocking Reagent / Buffer

ELISA Plate Blocking Reagent/ Buffer is a solution for blocking and stabilizing of coatings in ElISA plate and RIA test tubes. Plate Blocking buffer also extends coated Ag stability & coated Ab stability, up to 3 years at 4 C and increase sensitivity and specificity by reducing surface Nonspecific binding sites,decreasing noise to signal ratio & reducing Background signal in ELISA, ElISPOT, RIA, CLIA, Immunoblot, Microarray and Microsphere.

Immunoassay Blocking buffer do not interfere with assay buffers, assay regents or HRP. Also, you can dilute your antibodies and antigens in this stabilizer to spray or coat them in immunochromatogrphy papers and dot blotting.


Additional information


100 ML, 1000 ML

Product Insert


Plate Stabilizer/Blocker

Product SDS


Plate Stabilizer/Blocker-SDS